Monday, November 21, 2016

Vacation 2016 Summary

It looks like work on my 2016 vacation is finally complete. It's time for me to post my summary.

Let's start with my vacation log. The following posts were made during the vacation (and later added to Blogger).

I also have posts on my photo blog for vacation pictures. All photos in this collection were uploaded to Flickr. I have an album for just this vacation, and the Taylor Family Sub-amateurs group now has pictures from this vacation.
On top of all of this, I kept bird checklists at several stops. They have been uploaded to eBird.
  • Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest*
  • Bridal Veil Falls State Park
  • Celebration Park*
  • Cherry Creek State Park*
  • Cheyenne Mountain Zoo*
  • Columbia Basin Wildlife Area*
  • Columbia National Wildlife Refuge*
  • Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
  • Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve*
  • Crown Point State Scenic Corridor
  • Deschutes River State Recreation Area*
  • Douglas KOA*
  • East Gallatin Recreation Area*
  • Falls Park*
  • Farewell Bend State Park*
  • Fort Laramie National Historic Site*
  • Garden of the Gods*
  • Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park*
  • Guy W. Talbot State Park
  • John B. Yeon State Park
  • Liberty Lake Regional Park*
  • Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument*
  • Lolo National Forest*
  • Lost Creek State Park*
  • Montpelier Creek KOA*
  • Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area*
  • Mosier*
  • Pineridge Natural Area*
  • Potholes State Park*
  • Shoshone Falls Park*
  • Swan Falls*
  • Twin Falls*
  • Twin Falls Park*
  • Waterton Canyon Recreation Area*
  • Wold Center For Birds of Prey*
These are the Waterfalls we visited. Asterisks indicate waterfalls that were new to me.
  • Bridal Veil Falls (Near Shoshone)*
  • Bridal Veil Falls (Columbia River Gorge)
  • Dead Point Falls*
  • Elowah Falls
  • Horsetail Falls
  • Latourell Falls
  • Lost Creek Falls*
  • Lower Punch Bowl Falls
  • Mary Alice Falls*
  • Metlako Falls
  • Mosier Falls*
  • Multnomah Falls
  • Post Falls*
  • Punch Bowl Falls (Eagle Creek)
  • Punchbowl Falls (Hood River)*
  • Shoshone Falls*
  • Twin Falls*
  • Wah Gwin Gwin Falls*
  • Wahkeena Falls
Now, I'm getting into wildlife. Here are the mammals I encountered. Asterisks are species that are firsts for me.
  • American Pika
  • Rabbit (unidentified)
  • Mouse (unidentified)
  • North American Beaver
  • Rock Squirrel*
  • Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
  • Columbian Ground Squirrel
  • Black-tailed Prairie Dog*
  • Chipmunk (unidentified)
  • American Red Squirrel
  • Douglas Squirrel
  • White-tailed Deer
  • Black-tailed Deer
  • Pronghorn*
I didn't see a whole lot of reptiles, but I still have a list. You can probably guess what the asterisk means by now.
  • Reptiles
  • Gopher Snake
  • Six-lined Racerunner*
Birds are a bit of a bigger target for me. It should probably be noted that species indicated as new by the asterisks do not always match my eBird life list. This is primarily because I had seen several of these species before starting eBird. I also wanted to mention a quirk with the Scrub Jay. The Scrub Jay on this list was the first I had seen of what is now the Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, a new life list species. Technically speaking, the species was gained through a split in August. At the time of the sighting, it was still classified as the Western Scrub Jay, which was not a lifer for me.
  • Canada Goose
  • Mallard
  • Ring-necked Duck
  • Common Goldeneye
  • Common Merganser
  • California Quail
  • Eared Grebe
  • Western Grebe
  • Clark's Grebe*
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • American White Pelican
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Great Egret
  • Snowy Egret
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Osprey
  • Northern Harrier
  • Cooper's Hawk
  • Bald Eagle
  • Swainson's Hawk*
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • American Coot
  • Killdeer
  • Spotted Sandpiper
  • Ring-billed Gull
  • California Gull
  • Forster's Tern*
  • Rock Pigeon
  • Eurasian Collared Dove
  • Mourning Dove
  • Great Horned Owl
  • Common Nighthawk*
  • White-throated Swift*
  • Black-chinned Hummingbird*
  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird*
  • Rufous Hummingbird
  • Calliope Hummingbird*
  • Belted Kingfisher
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • Northern Flicker
  • Prairie Falcon*
  • American Kestrel
  • Western Wood Pewee
  • Cordilleran Flycatcher*
  • Western Kingbird*
  • Eastern Kingbird*
  • Steller's Jay
  • Western/Woodhouse's Scrub Jay**
  • Black-billed Magpie
  • American Crow
  • Common Raven
  • Tree Swallow
  • Violet-green Swallow
  • Barn Swallow
  • Cliff Swallow
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • House Wren*
  • Rock Wren
  • American Dipper
  • American Robin
  • Gray Catbird
  • European Starling
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Yellow Warbler
  • Yellow-breasted Chat*
  • Chipping Sparrow
  • Lark Sparrow*
  • Vesper Sparrow*
  • Song Sparrow
  • Spotted Towhee
  • Black-headed Grosbeak
  • Lazuli Bunting
  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Western Meadowlark
  • Brewer's Blackbird
  • Common Grackle
  • Brown-headed Cowbird
  • Bullock's Oriole
  • House Finch
  • Cassin's Finch
  • Red Crossbill
  • Pine Siskin
  • Willow Goldfinch
  • House Sparrow

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