Saturday, June 25, 2016

Vacation 2016 - Quartz Flat

We have a little driving time ahead of us, and I am doing a better job of conserving battery life. I might as well do a quick entry to this log to help avoid anything as long as my last.

In all honesty, I don't have a whole lot to say at this time. I mostly wanted to follow up on a comment a made last night. Our nearby railroad tracks were active. I don't think it’s particularly heavy usage. The freeway was not a problem for us, but the trains were more problematic. We should have stayed on the east side of the freeway.

We did a quick walk around the campground before heading out. I knew that this walk was short, so I didn’t bother with a checklist. We didn’t see anything new or unusual, so I doubt anyone will miss the omission.

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