Friday, November 23, 2012

Future Story: Xbox 8

This is a fictional story from the future that nobody should take seriously (as if you couldn’t tell).

Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

The year is 2013, and Microsoft has finally announced their next game console. Let’s read the press release:
REDMOND, Washington, Feptebuary 0, 2013 – Microsoft has announced that they have a new console in development that will be released later this year. 
A new Xbox console will be released in time for the holiday season unless delayed. This will add to the momentum of other recent releases such as Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. To unify these releases, Microsoft will call the new console the Xbox 8. This will make the platform 4 versions more advanced than the PlayStation 1.3 (also known as the PlayStation 4). 
The new console will be the most advanced in the next generation because we all know that Sony can’t make quality products the way that they did in the 80s. Stay tuned for more hype as we approach launch.
Here on Random Rants and Ramblings, I will add another post once I head to the future, see how the launch plays out, and return to the present.

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