Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Future Story: Xbox 8 V

This is a fictional story from the future that nobody should take seriously (as if you couldn’t tell).

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

I have returned from the pseudo-future. I know what what wrong with the Xbox 8, and I’m ready to share. It wasn’t about the Xbox 8 versus the PlayStation 4. This future generation was all about the past.

Back in the 80’s, Sony made some seriously high-quality electronics. This firmly rooted Sony’s reputation for making quality products. By comparison, Microsoft didn’t have much of a history in electronics prior to the Xbox consoles. This meant that Microsoft was still establishing its reputation. By making mistakes regarding reliability, Microsoft solidified its reputation for making shoddy products.

Not only that, but hating Microsoft has been in ever since itty bitty Apple convinced consumers to support their products instead of big bad Microsoft. People were looking for excuses to hate the Xbox 8. They found it.

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