Saturday, March 9, 2013

Future Story: Xbox 8 IV

This is a fictional story from the future that nobody should take seriously (as if you couldn’t tell).

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5

After one last trip to the pseudo-future, I have good news for Sony fans. The PlayStation 4 has thoroughly defeated the Xbox 8, and Microsoft has been forced to pull the plug on their latest console. Among the reasons cited is failure rate.

Third party estimates have the Xbox 8 with 1.7% failure rate. Sony managed to reduce their failure rates from the early 25% estimates all the way down to 24%. That makes a full percentage point improvement. I know that the failure rates are high for Sony, but we all know that with the exception of the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, the PlayStation 3, and the PlayStation 4, all of Sony’s home consoles have been built to last. By comparison, Microsoft never figured out reliability.

To make Sony fans even happier, the colossal failure of the Xbox 8 has tarnished Microsoft’s reputation. With the problems of the Xbox 360 and the Xbox 8, we now know that Microsoft is incapable of making quality electronics, particularly regarding reliability. To cut their losses, Microsoft will be leaving the video game industry.

While I’m done visiting the pseudo-future for now, I will provide a post mortem on Microsoft’s console before too long.

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