Friday, January 25, 2013

Future Story: Xbox 8 III

This is a fictional story from the future that nobody should take seriously (as if you couldn’t tell).

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5

PostHolidayuary 2013 (or Holidayuary 2014)

Following the troubled release of the Xbox 8, Sony countered with the PlayStation 4. Early estimates are good for Sony. Die-hard Sony fans and numerous media sources are praising Sony for the quality build. Much like the Playstation, Playstation 2, and Playstation 3, the Playstation 4 has had very few faulty consoles. They claim that the failure rate is around 1% compared to the 110% for the Xbox 8.
Independent sources are telling a different story. They say that Microsoft, while still not perfect, learned a lot from the last generation. Failure rates are around 2%. Meanwhile, the PlayStation 4’s failure rate is about 25%.
Most media sources are citing the claims of the Sony fan base. Sony has a reputation for reliability, so we can’t trust them more than neutral sources claiming that Microsoft is doing a better job.

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