Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Need To Make Some Enemies

In order to be the best person that I can be, I need to make some enemies.

Since this sentiment has been misinterpreted, I should probably explain. I do not want to make enemies, and I should not go out of my way just to make enemies. What I’m saying is that if I can become who I feel that I need to become, making enemies will be an undesirable but unavoidable consequence.

I do not conform to the beliefs and opinions of the mindless masses. There are things that need to be said, and remaining silent is of no benefit to anyone. Unfortunately, a lot of these things go against what most people feel obligated to believe.

America is not a free country. Our schools maintain blatantly anti-educational values. The media provides opinions rather than facts.

A lot of people are afraid to see this world for what it really is. It’s pretty clear that thinking for yourself will not result in forming ideas that consistently fit socially acceptable values. In other words, independent thinkers are likely to make enemies. Since thinking for yourself is better than blind loyalty to mistakes, it’s clear that being a good person would make some enemies for anyone like me. If only I could find enough courage to stop holding back. Then I could address this consequence.

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