Sunday, April 7, 2013


In case nobody has noticed, I have recently added a new camera to my arsenal. Samsung’s NX1000 was on sale. I couldn’t resist.

So what is this new camera? It’s a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. This means that it’s more advanced than a point and shoot and more compact than a DSLR.

Personally, I haven’t been a big follower of this type of camera. DSLRs have a viewfinder that doesn’t require processing to display an image (I have had point and shoots with serious lag before), a better focusing mechanism, and longer battery life. Since they cost more, camera manufacturers tend to treat DSLRs as higher end products. In short": mirrorless cameras are no replacements for DSLRs.

Despite my preference for DSLRs, I never ruled out the use of mirrorless cameras. They provide a lot of the same features of a DSLR in a more compact form factor. I figured that I could buy a pancake lens and fit the camera in my pocket. I already have a pocket camera, but a mirrorless would work better for me in dry weather than my waterproof.

I have already played around with this toy of mine. My first experiments were with a challenge photo for my family. I took shots with my old Rebel XS and with the NX1000. I accidently overlooked a few settings on my XS, but I suspect that the NX1000 would have produced better image quality even if I had everything properly set up.

Challenge 11 - Not the end of your storyDoes this mean that the NX1000 will replace my XS as my #2 camera? No. I don’t like swapping lenses too much, and I want my secondary camera to have a bit of a zoom for versatility. I intend to primarily use my 30mm pancake lens when I need a camera to fit my pocket.

There is another use that I have found for the NX1000. I made a quick walk around the neighborhood. I went ahead and changed lenses back to my 20-50mm and used the NX1000 because I didn’t want to change my T3i lens and carry around my most expensive camera. I also wanted a neck strap. I removed my XS neck strap when I bought a holster. I don’t even know where it is right now. Of course, I have to admit that experimentation was a factor.

The Eagle's NestRhododendron

As strange as it seems, I still haven’t used my pancake lens even though that was a big part of the reason I bought the camera. I might buy other lenses in the future for versatility, but I do not currently intend to invest too much in the NX format since I’m still prioritizing DSLRs.

Let me provide a quick update on my equipment:

Current Cameras

#1 Camera: Canon Rebel T3i

This camera is usually attached to my 150-500mm lens and is primarily used with wildlife. Unless it’s wet or I am not looking for pictures to take, I have this camera on me.

#2 Camera: Canon Rebel XS

This camera is usually kept in a holster on the same trips where I am carrying my T3i. I keep the kit 18-55mm lens attached so that I take pictures not possible with my 150-500 without having to change lenses just to change back. Since it is Canon, I have a few lenses that I can use, and I don’t mind adding to the collection.

#3 Camera: Samsung NX1000

If I go out somewhere on a dry day and photography is not a priority, I keep this camera with a 30mm pancake lens in my pocket.

#4 Camera: nIKON aw100

This is a camera that I carry during wet weather. It can be used either as an alternate to my Canon cameras or as an alternate pocket camera to the NX1000. I also keep it on me during my long walks in dry weather just in case I ever find the courage to enter the water and shoot something under the surface such as crabs.

Backup: Kodak Z740

This is an old camera that I no longer intend to use. I don’t want to get rid of it in case something happens to one of my other cameras or I decide to loan it out.

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