Thursday, February 7, 2013

Is the middle best?

On a lot of issues, you have people on the extremes. The general view on a most of these issues is that the best answer is somewhere in between those extremes. In most cases, I agree. There are some issues, however, that I feel are best addressed by taking an extreme stance on an issue.

Although this is not my education blog, this is actually a good example. One extreme could be viewed as blind support for the schools while the opposite extreme could be viewed as belief in unobstructed educational rights. While the mainstream maintains blind loyalty, They are wrong. The middle ground could be viewed as those who support the schools but do not view them as vital. These people might want to see elimination of public funding but are still supportive of discrimination against those who learn elsewhere. That’s closer, but I still refuse to believe that society benefits from intervention in an important natural process. Despite the beliefs of the majority, there is no doubt in my mind that the mainstream is on the opposite extreme of what’s right. We need to embrace true education and the rights of those who learn outside of a restrictive environment.

There are other quirks with a middle-ground mentality. Not all issues fit on a single line. Sometimes the extremes and middle have people focused on a limited perspective. For example, which race is worth more, black or white? If you picked equal, you could be showing racist tendencies. As I have explained before, racial neutrality is impossible. It’s much better to look at other things than to fixate on race. It’s much better to lump black and white into a single label, people (sorry blacks and whites).

These are just a couple examples, but there are a lot more out there. Don’t just assume that the middle is ever right. Take a look at each issue and try to figure out the answer for yourself. You might tick some people off, but it’s better than mindlessly taking a position without thinking things through.

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