Thursday, November 29, 2012

Issues with racism

What is racism? That’s actually a tricky question. Since neutrality is impossible and bias is human nature, anyone who so much as acknowledge race is going to view races in an unequal manner. Does unavoidable human nature constitute racism? I think not.

If racial preference is enough to establish racism, then we are all guilty. If that’s the case, then having the label is completely pointless. There has to be a threshold. What is that threshold? It’s a matter of opinion.

I think that if you can establish that there is any conscious decision to place one race over the other, that definitely qualifies. I also feel that if someone’s bias is so definitive and consistent that other elements of bias will be insignificant in comparison, that would also qualify. In other words, people who think that all whites are better than all blacks or all blacks are better than all whites could be viewed as racist even if it is not deliberate.

In case you can’t tell, I’m not with the democrats’ beliefs that what qualifies as racism depends on race. Yes, whites can be racist against blacks, but blacks can be racist against whites. I also feel that whites can be racist against whites and blacks can be racist against blacks. If you’re offended that I’m not writing about other minorities, sorry. It’s just that each additional race included in this rant would increase the possibilities exponentially.

I should also point out that it’s the democrats who are promoting racism. They are the ones emphasizing race. They are the ones insisting that rights should vary depending on the color of your skin. They are the ones who are trying to pit the races against each other. The best way to fight racism is to reduce how much we concern ourselves with the color of people’s skin. If we stopped looking at skin color, however, the democrats wouldn’t be able to exploit racism.

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