Thursday, June 16, 2022

Intolerant liberals are trying to kick me out of my home

I grew up in Washington. There are a lot of things that I love about this area. We have one of the best climates around. We have spectacular scenery. Unfortunately, there is one thing about our state that has been downright disastrous, our government.

In all honesty, I should have recognized how bad our government is a long time ago. Growing up, my closest contact with the government was also my biggest complaint. Our schools were anti-educational and abusive. I have never known our schools as anything better than atrocious.

My problems aren't just about disagreements with how our government operates. This state is becoming downright intolerant of anyone who does not conform to a strict and narrow ideology dictated by the Democrats. I'm not a Republican, but my views deviate even more from the party of hate and intolerance. This means that my state is intolerant of me.

To make matters worse, liberal policies are driving up the cost of living. I have never had a job that hasn't required me to betray myself. Because of this, I have essentially tried to earn the bare minimum for survival. With the Democrats in charge, I will either have to dedicate more and more of my life to absolutely hating myself, or I will eventually be forced to leave.

In many ways, I still love my state, but I am embarrassed to call myself a Washingtonian. I have no desire to leave. Why should I? This is my home. Liberals, many who are legitimately attached to other states, think otherwise. They are doing whatever it takes to make life hard for those of us who do not conform to their belief systems. If this state becomes too intolerant and too expensive, I won't have a choice. I will be forced to leave my home.

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