Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Thought Police

The racial tensions that have spiked in recent years have brought out the thought police in full force. You can't just be against racism. You have to embrace a very specific viewpoint for absolutely everything related to race. If you dissent at all, you can be cancelled. If you simply don't say what liberals want you to say, you can be cancelled.

The narrative of race relations in America is very narrow and very rigid. The only way to match the narrative is to mindlessly conform. It is impossible to think for yourself and match.

In many ways, this reflects the deterioration of society in general. As I have repeatedly stated, we are living in the most mindless conformist era in the history of humanity. Racial issues have given us ground to clamp down even further.

Keep in mind that this is not just about whether or not someone disagrees with the general narrative. Any deviation at all from the narrative can result in serious backlash. This is especially noticeable when liberals, mostly white, attack the views of anyone who is black but less than 100% in line with their views. Among black individuals that gave been attacked by liberals for their views relating to race are Terry Crews, Charles Barkley, Kanye West, Ben Carson, Candice Owens, and Tim Scott. Obviously, these examples are not all at the same level. Regardless, it has become very clear that so-called anti-racism is dependent on the belief that black people have absolutely no right to form their own beliefs and opinions.

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