Thursday, January 13, 2022

I like myself... sometimes

As I have stated on multiple occasions, I have been living multiple lifestyles. I like who I am deep down. Unfortunately, I have allowed society to bully me into suppressing this side of who I am.

I happen to be a big believer in independent thought. By that, I mean that I tend to minimize outside influence on my thought process. I don't even allow our rigid perspective of social acceptability to hinder my thought process.

I see things that no one else does. There is no question that I can have a positive impact on society. I have even insisted that given the opportunity, I could change the world.

Unfortunately, I have been forced to suppress my good side. The world has no clue about what I have to offer. A big part of this is my fault, but I refuse to ignore the role played by an intolerant society. Deep down, I really like who I am, but this is absolutely not who I am allowed to be when around others.

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