Sunday, May 7, 2017

The war on women

As I have already explained, I have not taken a hard stance in the abortion debate, but I am getting sick of the antics of the pro-choice community. There is one argument that I keep hearing from them that I wanted to address in slightly more depth, the so-called war on women​.

Liberals have kept pushing the idea that pro-life individuals are engaged in a war on women. This point of discussion never includes women's issues such as financial equality. In some cases, they refuse to open any kind of dialog with women who embrace pro-life values. They always aim strictly at abortions.

Imagine for a moment that there is a woman who believes that life begins at birth. Imagine that she wants to protect the life of who she perceives to be an innocent girl prior to birth. By liberal logic, this woman would be engaged in a war on women. By contrast, the logic of anyone who has any sense of actual logic will not say that such a woman is against women.

When life begins and deserves protection is very different from opinions of women. Pro-life is very different from anti-women. The democrats have repeatedly refused to acknowledge the distinction between the two. Ultimately, the war on women was not created by the right. It was created by the left as a tool to manipulate the public.

What we are seeing is essentially a variation on political correctness. The liberals' choice of words was intended to alter perceptions of an issue. Nobody wants to think that they are at war with women. If you can successfully link pro-life to an anti-women perspective, people who want to be viewed as tolerant of women are more likely to embrace the pro-life perspective. The link doesn't even have to be valid.

Personally, I consider the war on women to be an attempt at social engineering. If you know me, you know that I will not support social engineering. I'm just too big of a believer in individuality.

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