I don't take a hard stance on the issue of abortions. In many ways, both sides of the issue make valid points. They also both make flawed points. I ultimately decided that I am not the best person to have the final say, since I know that I will never have an abortion.
Despite my lack of a hard stance on abortions, I have become seriously frustrated with the pro-choice community. They keep bashing the pro-life side of the issue for their flawed beliefs. In the process, they prove that they don't even know what pro-life individuals believe. How can they effectively criticize something that they don't understand?
In short, the pro-life community believes that life begins at conception. They believe that abortions are a form of murder, and they oppose murder. Their stance has never been to deprive women of the right to prevent a life or to believe differently, but rather to prevent the death of those they perceive as living human beings.
The pro-choice community insists that the pro-life community is trying to force their beliefs on everybody. Meanwhile, they are arguing that nobody has the right to believe that life begins at conception. They have actually been far more forceful of their beliefs than the pro-life standpoint.
Imagine for a moment that someone killed a black person. Now imagine for a moment that the murderer defended his actions on the grounds that he did not consider blacks to be human lives. Although there are certainly differences between killing a black man and aborting a pregnancy, this is similar in concept to the mentality of the pro-life community. When liberals insists that they have a right to not view someone or something as life, they are not going to sway the opinions of anyone who views these actions as murder.
If the pro-choice community wants to change minds, they really need to change their tactics. Instead of insisting that everybody must be forced to think the same way they do, they need to make a compelling argument about when life begins. Since human life is not instantaneous, it might be difficult to argue for a definitive start.
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