Sunday, June 5, 2016

Shallow Trump

When an anti-Trump Political Action Committee posted a nude picture of Melania Trump, Donald Trump accused Ted Cruz of circulating the photo. There was no evidence whatsoever that Cruz had anything to do about it, but Trump threatened to go after Ted's wife, Heidi, in retaliation.

Eventually, Donald Trump tweeted a picture of the two wives. I had two issues with his antics. The first and less significant was that he got to choose the pictures. It's not exactly fair to compare wives based off of the best picture he could find of his wife and the worst picture he could find of Cruz's wife.

The more important issue was that this was incredibly shallow. How the wives look says nothing about the capabilities of the two candidates. In fact, it says nothing worthwhile about the wives. I would rather know who these people are rather than turn politics into a beauty contest.

I'm not quick to throw out certain words, but I truly believe that Trump's actions show that he is a sexist. We should care more about women's characters than how they look. The only person who I thought looked bad after Donald Trump's tweet was Donald Trump.

I have to say that I liked how Ted Cruz responded. He called Melania lovely and Heidi the love of his life. He didn't say one bad thing about Melania.

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