Monday, June 13, 2016

Blind Trump support

Donald Trump has pursued attention. A lot of this has bad attention, but that's not necessarily bad for him. Most people have developed strong opinions of him, and most people who don't hate him are clinging to his every word. Ultimately, he has embraced a persona that people either love or hate.

When people decide they love Trump, they embrace and even make up positives while dismissing all of the negatives. They trust him even when he contradicts himself. All of the criticism, even when he is quoted directly, must be wrong. All of this is because they refuse to acknowledge that Trump is anything other than the perfect candidate.

A really good example of blind loyalty toward Donald Trump can be seen in disputes between him and Ted Cruz. An anti-Trump PAC posted nude pictures of Donald Trump's wife. Trump accused Cruz of posting the pictures. Even though no evidence whatsoever that Cruz had any connections to the picture has ever been presented, Trump fans are absolutely convinced that Cruz was responsible.

Eventually, a National Enquirer article was written accusing Ted Cruz of having affairs. Everybody knows that the National Enquirer is not exactly a reputable news source, but Trump supporters completely ate it up. There's a big difference here. The man who brought the story to the National Enquirer had worked on Trump's campaign, and there are indications that Trump is friends with someone high up in that publication. Additionally, this story appeared shortly after Trump threatened to "Spill the beans" on Cruz's wife. Trump denied involvement while defending the publication's credibility.

In all honesty, it is possible that Cruz was involved in the nude photo while Trump is completely innocent. The problem is that the evidence goes in the opposite direction. It seems highly unlikely that Ted Cruz had anything to do with the posted nude photo, There is also evidence to link Trump to the National Enquirer. If I had to guess which accusation of involvement were true, I would think Trump was involved with the National Enquirer story. Trump fans assume the exact opposite. The evidence against Trump is irrelevant, but Cruz absolutely must have been involved in the photo despite no evidence whatsoever.

It's not just the Cruz issues that have Trump supporters picking and choosing what they want to believe. Trump always has to be right. Anyone else must always be wrong. It never occurs to them that some of the numerous issues people have with Trump might actually have some validity.

I have one last thing to say here. I still don't understand how anyone can defend Trump's shallow tweet against Heidi Cruz.

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