Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Grayest Snow on Earth

As much as I hate to admit it, I spent some time in Utah. I hated it there. Most of the year, it was brown. The mountains looked like piles of dirt, there was no vegetation, and even the sky was brown. The winter was a little less hideous because the snow turned everything gray.

I'm a Washingtonian. Our snow is white. When I was in Utah, the snow seemed about as gray as volcanic ash. In fact, I used to say, "It's ashing." Okay, so it might not have been quite that gray, but it definitely wasn't white.

Utah has used the phrase "Greatest snow on earth" on their license plates. I suspect this was a misunderstanding. Someone probably informed them that they had the grayest snow on earth. Grayest sounds a lot like greatest, so it would be an easy mistake to make.

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