Saturday, February 7, 2015

9/11 and Boston

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have always been misrepresented by our corrupt media. One of the issues that arose was the impact that 9/11 had on Boston. The media made a big deal out of two flights that originated in that city.

The two flights were used to highlight another hard hit region from the attacks. Because of this connection, the media hyped Boston for being an overlooked victim.

Three flights were headed to Los Angeles. The fourth was headed for San Francisco. Needless to say, a number of Californians lost their lives in the terror attacks. I would say that New York was the only state more heavily impacted. The media did not acknowledge the loss that California suffered.

I have been critical for years of the media's over-the-top east coast bias. California lost a lot more than Massachusetts on September 11, 2001. The media looked the opposite direction and insisted that Boston was more noteworthy than L.A. I may not like California (a lot of their citizens have moved North and are harming the quality of life here in Washington), but the media's neglect of that West coast state was completely pathetic, especially considering how overboard the coverage of the attacks became.

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