If you have visited my Mental Exercise blog, you are probably aware of the fact that I have been making hanjie/nongram/griddler/crosspic/piccross/edel/Japanese puzzles for years. I have decided to show my process from start to finish on how I actually put these together including development of the image, preparing the numbers, testing, and conversion to PDF.
Last time, I prepared an Excel file for the new puzzle. The next step is to open the image file in Paint.Net. I add a layer and put a mark for the each 5 rows and columns. These are a single colored pixel for each mark. Zooming in helps.
I use the image to determine which cells to add to the Excel file. For each shaded cell, I type in a 1. I have conditional formatting to turn 1's into shaded cells. This is also better for counting than shading using the more traditional approach. I also further mark the image to keep track of where I am. When I am done, I will essentially have a red grid on top of the original image.
A copy of the final Paint.Net image can be found at: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2E6EFB80915ED5BD!7537&authkey=!ABVi5qqkYMfv3f8&ithint=file%2cpdn
My updated spreadsheet can be found at: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2E6EFB80915ED5BD!7538&authkey=!AHnRAXLdqs3fLAI&ithint=file%2cxlsx
Previous: My Hanjie Process V
Next: My Hanjie Process VII
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