We started the end of our
trip by visiting the Twin Harbors beach (camping at the park and only now
getting to the beach). We started off in a fairly dense fog. We couldn't even
see the biggest body of water on Earth next to us. Eventually, we could find a
few birds here and there. They included Gulls (Glaucous-winged/Western,
Heermann's, and California at least), Caspian Terns, Pelicans, Crows, at least
one Cormorant, Sandpipers, and Barn Swallows. In addition to the few birds here
and there, there had to be thousands of Gull-like birds that I wasn't close
enough to identify. At one point I found a Loon and forgot to record it because
I thought I saw some fins popping out of the water. We tried an interpretive
trail that had Pearly Everlasting, Dandelions, and Yarrow growing, but we succumbed to the bug-spray resistant mosquitoes that were swarming the area.
NOTE: Thanks to a light patch on the underwings of the gull-like birds mentioned above, I have identified the birds as Sooty Shearwaters.

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