Saturday, September 7, 2013

Camping Trip - Damon Point and Westport

Let's see if I can read my notes. The first page kind of fell apart on me.

We headed to Damon Point to see the Snowy Owls. Oh, wait. That was late winter. We are now in late summer. Let's say that we were after the Brown Pelicans instead. Before I get to what I can remember, I will give a quick list of everything else. This will give me more time to forget everything and annoy you. We saw Cormorants and Crows. Oops. I meant to say Crows and Cormorants. We saw Glaucous-winged some of them Gulls. I mean Gulls, some of them Glaucous-winged. We added whatever Loon is supposed to be short for, a bunch of generic Ducks (I might have a Surf Scoter, Wigeons, and Shovelers on my list), a couple ? Sandpipers, a couple ? Sandpipers (different listing), Double-crested Cormorant, a different type of whatever Loon is supposed to be short for (species was not written), SaSps (Savannah Sparrows), GB Herons, Cormorants relisted, and ? + Barn Swallows. Now to the parts that I should have forgotten by now. We started with 10 Deer (That's right, I can actually read my number), but they don't count. We saw them from the car before we even reached Damon Point. We saw at least 2 types of Terns. One was our familiar Caspian Terns. The other is an unknown species that I hope has a better picture (probably mariganally so) than description on my paper. We also saw much larger numbers of Pelicans today. If my notes are correct, they were BPlcns. More than likely, I got some BPlcn shots worthy of uploading to Flickr in the next year or two when I finally catch up to today.

Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge was next. On second thought, Bowerman Airport was next. We had to walk along a service road to reach the trailhead. While there we saw horrible scribbles. Sorry, it's my notes again. Let's try this again. We saw Barn Swallows, Starlings, Savannah Sparrows, Gulls, Black-crapped Chickadees - I mean Black-capped Chickadees, Crows, Deer, Steller's Jays, Song Sparrows, a Black-headed Grosbeak, and a ton of specks - I mean distant unidentified Sandpipers. It looks like I tried to note some of the flowers on this one. We can record Asters/Daisies and Dandelions.

Next up was Bottle Beach. I have some good news and some bad news for this one. The good news: This is a new page of notes, and it's far more readable. The bad news: Outside of some weed whacking, it was a quiet walk. We saw Dragonflies, Asters/Daisies, Dandelions, Garter Snakes, a Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Butterflies, Gulls, and Caterpillars.

We made one final stop at Westport. There were actually two state parks that we visited. I only wrote that we went to Westport (even with notes I'm bad at this). We saw a lot of Gulls, Cormorants (it looks like they nest out there), more Brown Pelicans, Crows, Western Sandpipers, a lot of Least Sandpipers, Rock Pigeons, at least one Caspian Tern, and Dragonflies. Flowers included Clovers and Dandelions.

Perhaps I should screw up my notes more often. It seems like I have more interesting things to say that way.

NOTE: My pictures revealed something that my notes didn't. I missed reporting a Harrier at Damon Point.
GullCommon TernBrown PelicanCaspian TernBuff-breasted SandpiperBuff-breasted SandpiperBrown PelicanBrown PelicanSandpipersBrown PelicanBrown PelicanBrown PelicansRed-throated LoonSavannah SparrowNorthern Shovelers and American WigeonGullCrowGreat Blue HeronGullNorthern HarrierSavannah SparrowSteller's JayBlack-headed GrosbeakSkipperWestern SandpiperLeast SandpipersLeast SandpipersBrown PelicanObservation TowerBrown PelicanSkipperWesthaven State Park SignChallenge 36Westport Light State Park SignGrays Harbor LighthouseGrays Harbor Lighthouse
Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge SignWelcome to Bottle Beach SignThe Great Washington State Birding Trail SignWord Challenge 48- StateThe Basics of Birding SignA Massive Migration SignCommon DandelionRed CloverDanger SignWashington Geology Sign
CrowDouble-crested Cormorants Song Sparrow SignCommon Yellowthroat SignSwallows SignGreat Blue Heron SignRestricted Area SignNo Motorized Traffic SignEntering State Parks SignEntering State Parks Sign

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