Saturday, October 27, 2012


Un-American is a popular insult right now. Say anything that indicates that you will not follow this country off of a cliff. “That’s Un-American.”

Apparently, being American is defined as assuming that everything about this country is perfect. What exactly is the insult? Not all good people who bother to form their own opinions will maintain a blind loyalty to the country. The only way to ensure that we don’t have this label attached to us is to let others tell us what we think. It’s like “individual” could become the next big insult.

This also raises questions regarding the opinions of the person throwing around the insult. Do they really love America, or are they afraid of the label? It seems to me that those who feel that being un-American is wrong are more likely to base their support for this nation off of socially acceptable beliefs rather than an actual love for the nation.

America is a flawed country, and I don’t want to be viewed as just another mindless sheep. This is why I don’t view “un-American” as an effective insult. That said, people thinking that I view “un-American” as an insult IS insulting. Do you really think that someone who tries to think for himself is really supposed to be offended by not liking the country the same way that you do? It’s like people want to use their blind assumptions of America to sway you from actual thought.

Just imagine:
“That’s so un-American.”
“Well, duh.”

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