Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It Doesn’t Take a Village

For years, we have had the Democrats insist that it takes a village to raise a child. They use this belief to regulate how people interact with children and to have the government take away rights from parents.
An example of this is to push the accountability of stores, movie theaters, and others if a child is subjected to questionable content. Unfortunately, some of their ideas are a little over the top. If a child sneaks into a theater or uses a fake ID, the Democrats would love to hold the staff accountable rather than the child.

Another example can be found in the video game industry. Democrats want restrictions to keep certain games out of the hands of young children. Ultimately, parents should be responsible for this task. Console manufacturers all include parental controls. That’s not enough for the Democrats, so they try to use the stores to take over parental duties. Since stores are now responsible, parents no longer bother. Parental controls go unused. This ultimately helps the Democrats make their case.

And of course, we have schools. One of the goals of the schools is for the government to take over the task of raising children from the parents. As the schools have become more powerful, parents have become far worse.

Parenting has definitely declined, but this isn’t a reason to praise the Democrats’ beliefs. A lot of the decline is due to government intervention. If the government tells parents that they have no right to raise their children, then those parents will put in far less effort to raise their children.

The idea behind this whole “It takes a village” philosophy is that the government is responsible for making sure that we become who they want us to become. This has pretty much destroyed parental rights. Combined with the over-reliance on schools and other mentally restrictive policies, and the Democrats have established that parents and the children themselves have the least say over who they become.

When we insist that it takes a village to raise a child, we are saying that we should let the government run our lives beginning with our childhoods. It doesn’t take a village. It takes parents, and it takes the children as well.

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