Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The scariest day of the year

Happy Halloween. I hope you’ve made yourself ready for the scariest day of the year… in six more days. You are going to want to lock your doors, stockpile food, and hide until the terror subsides because we are looking at the presidential election.

While I have been looking forward to the possibility of getting rid of our horrible president, I’m not too thrilled with the election itself. Barack Obama is a liar who spends most of his time trying to use the media to manipulate the public to support him. He bases his words off of what he thinks will win him the election regardless of his actions or intentions. He has found his party and conformed to what he thinks the party stands for rather than what’s in the best interests of those who vote for him. He lets his contributors influence his decisions that affect the entire nation. He doesn’t care about America or Americans. He only cares about himself.

Democrats, calm down. I’m well aware of the fact that Mitt Romney is practically a clone of Barack Obama. It’s like a vote between John Jackson and Jack Johnson. Since Romney hasn’t conclusively proven himself to be a horrible president yet, I will lean in his direction. Not only that, but a republican is more likely to try to address our crippling debt than someone who has already increased the debt by six trillion dollars. Regardless, it looks like Americans will be the big losers in this election.

What’s going to happen when election results are revealed? That’s the scariest part about election day. It seems like the biggest reason that people mention for voting for Romney is a hatred for Obama. It also seems like the biggest reason that people mention for voting for Obama is a hatred for Romney. This election is truly driven by hatred, and the republicans are going to go nuts if they find out that the man who has practically guaranteed that this country has no future will get another four years.

While I would prefer Romney over Obama, I think the aftermath of the election would be even worse if Romney wins. While I hate to bring up race, the democrats have a history of pitting races against each other (for purposes of exploitation). They would almost certainly try to convince the black community that Romney defeating Obama is an act of whites trying to keep blacks out of power. In all honesty, I wouldn’t rule out race riots.

After the one-two punch of Bush and Obama, this country has probably never been more divided than it is now. Regardless of who wins, election day will bring out the worst in people. While I’m looking forward to getting past the election, I’m not looking forward to the election itself. More importantly, I’m not looking forward to the aftermath.

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