Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2012 Presidential Election

Over on my education blog, I have addressed a couple initiatives on the ballot in Washington this November. While I’m at it, I might as well talk about my feelings regarding the 2012 presidential election and why I don’t normally pay any attention to voting.

Let’s start by sharing my views about Obama. Obama has been a downright horrible president. We can talk about his insane level of spending that makes George W. Bush look like a miser. I remember the big deal about breaking the debt clock in New York when Bush saw the debt reach $10 trillion towards the end of his presidency. Four years later, we are now beyond $16 trillion. Among the reasons for the increased spending that Obama has given us has been economic recovery. When the timeframes for the recovery were pushed back after Obama went on his spending spree, he defended his policies by insisting that the economy that he “inherited” was worse than everybody was saying.

I have to say, Obama has got to be the world’s biggest fan of George W. Bush. He can keep pointing his finger, and people will love him. Every time he makes a mistake, it’s Bush’s fault. Obama has been given a free ride, and let’s not forget that Bush was the primary reason that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. While Bush didn’t do a very good job, I don’t like that we’re using him to dismiss the actions of a worse president.

Then he showed his racist side. I’m not always good with memorizing details, so there could be a few mistakes in my recollection. There was a report of a black man being arrested at his home for not showing ID to a white police officer. The man arrested was seen breaking into his own home because he couldn’t find his keys. A neighbor reported the suspicious behavior. The police officer came on the scene and asked for ID to determine it really was his house. He refused and started acting out. While I’m not the world’s biggest fan of having to rely on ID to prove yourself at all moments, I have to say that it would cause serious problems if a police officer let a criminal stay inside a home because he claimed it was his home. After all this, Obama heard part of the story and used it to turn it into a very different story. He insisted that the white police officer arrested the man because he was black. He even insisted that this is how things tend to work in America. If a white police officer arrests a black man for any reason, it must be an act of racism. He was eventually called on it and tried to solve everything by getting the police officer drunk.

Later on, Obama filled out his census report and said that he is black. He is actually half white, but this raised further questions. If he really is race-neutral, why did he show a preference of one race over the other? According to twisted democrat definitions, it is impossible for a half-white half-black man to be racist against whites. More realistically speaking, he has proven that he does not view the races as equals, he has a hard preference for the black community, and he tries to rally the public against whites. He is probably the most racist president that we have seen during my lifetime.

Let’s not forget about Obamacare. The “Affordable” Health Care for America Act has serious problems. The democrats who voted for it knew that it was flawed, and voted for it under the assumption that the problems would be fixed. From the beginning, Obama told the media that he needed to win over support from republicans while simultaneously cutting them out of the discussion. To get enough votes, the democrats had to bribe democrats. In the end, the bill was primarily a measure to move money around without actually addressing health care costs. To please the for-profit insurance companies, he included a mandate that everyone must buy insurance. In many ways, this was a necessity for the bill to work, but any bill that can’t work without requiring citizens to provide profits to these kinds of companies has serious flaws. This bill also ensures that we have government and for-profit businesses standing between us and health care. I might not be a big fan of socialism, but socialized health care looks better now than ever before.

What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that both parties in our two-party system are essentially the same. Yes, they tend to disagree on just about every issue, but that’s because they have both embraced an us-against-them mentality. Both parties base their views off of what they feel their party is supposed to represent or what they feel the other party is supposed to oppose. They both feel like representing their party is more important than representing those who voted for them. They both engage in corrupt practices to further their own causes. Obama’s counterpart this year is Mitt Romney.

There are a number of issues that I have with Mitt Romney. I didn’t care much for his defending of bullying when he was in school when he should have learned from his mistakes instead. I didn’t care much for his comment about not caring about 47% of the population, although I’m sure Obama has made similar mistakes during his fundraising that were never made public. While I view greed and wealth as separate issues, it does sound to me like Romney has issues with greed.

Overall, I would say that I like Romney’s views a little better than Obama’s. The big deal for me right now is a government that oversteps its bounds despite not being able to afford much. Smaller government is important for improving rights. It can also help future generations who will not be able to afford the interest on the debt that we have spent to help ourselves.

I know a lot of people would rather not vote for someone who is trying to buy the election, so they will instead vote for a candidate who is trying to buy the election. Between these two candidates, there really isn’t much of an option. Either we vote for someone who would probably be a lousy president, or we vote for someone who has already proven that he is an absolutely horrible president. Personally, I would pick probable over definite.

I haven’t been looking forward to this election. Imagine what will happen if Romney wins. The democrats will panic. They will also use the color of Obama’s skin to pit the races against each other. The country will be a total mess.

Romney winning isn’t very realistic. The economy was a mess when Obama entered office, and it would have taken a miracle to keep the recession going for four more years. Since he became the face of the nation at the right time, he was pretty much guaranteed credit for ending the recession. Of course, the slower-than-expected recovery let Romney get his foot in the door. This election isn’t going to be as lopsided as it could have been.

Let’s not forget the unethical media’s influence on the election. They were calling Obama one of the greatest presidents of all time before his inauguration, and they have been calling for his reelection this whole time. Obama is a media darling. That should be enough to win him a second term.

How would people react to Obama winning the election? Panic. There are a lot of people who can’t stand his over-the-top spending. There are a lot of people who hate how he’s trying to force his views on the public.

The one-two punch of Bush and Obama has created a huge divide in this country, and people are going to freak out regardless of who wins. I hope Canada is ready for an increase in web traffic as soon as the election results are announced.

A vote for Romney is a vote against Obama. If you would rather find the best candidate, you have to go for a third party. In other words, voting for the best man is throwing your vote away. The top two candidates for this election appear to be Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode. These two both seem to believe in smaller government, which is what I feel is right. There are a number of differences between these two men, but I’m not going to go into detail about who the best loser to vote for happens to be.

Do you vote for a candidate who will probably do a bad job, or do you throw your vote away? In this situation, the voters can’t possibly win. That is why I don’t like to involve myself in the process. Besides, Obama won this election four years ago thanks to the media and the economy.

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