Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Needs for Happiness

What would it take for me to be happy?

I would need to be me. I would need to live comfortably. I would need to have people in my life who care about me. I would need flexibility so that I can control my own life. I would need an outlet to contribute to society. I would need to feel like my life has value.

Happiness is the ultimate goal in life. Unfortunately, I am nowhere near reaching that goal. To an extent, I’m trying to change. I’m trying to create an outlet for the real me, the better me. That’s where this blog comes in. I still haven’t succeeded in being me without any resulting mistreatment. That’s why I pretend to be incompetent while in public. You want to see me at my worse? See me at work. At some point, I need to at least find evidence that it’s possible to be a good person and still be able to survive in the modern world. Of course, even that is well short of meeting my desire to make this world a better place.

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