Sunday, August 19, 2012

Forest Climber

The Forest Climber is located near the Playground by the Sound’s entrance. It consists of several poles, let’s call them trees due to the component being known as the forest climber, with grips installed. Children can climb up and between these trees.

Forest Climber

This is one of the outer components that is easy for parents to watch. There are grips on the backside, so parents might have somewhat obstructed views at times. Even then, parents should be able to see where their child is from the same bench that I use to prepare my camera equipment.

Forest Climber

Looking for potential hazards for the over-protective parents out there, I think the biggest potential problem is a child falling, losing balance, and bumping into one of the other trees. I would talk about larger falls, but I don’t expect children to try to climb on top of the higher grips since they wouldn’t have anywhere else to put their hands. Maybe they could climb on top of the trees, but I wouldn’t expect it.

Forest ClimberForest Climber

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