Saturday, August 25, 2012

Craptacular America

Welcome to America. Feel free to enjoy all of our craptacular sights.

We have smog-filled cities and litter lining our streets. Meet our colorful personalities including drug dealers and egomaniacs. Visit the gang turf that can be found in our major cities. In most places, succumb to the heat in the summer and cold in the winter.

Mingle with the locals. Bore yourself to tears when people mindlessly praise themselves for being just like everybody else. Admire those who excel at conformity. Wade through the legions of mindless sheep. Marvel at the lack of interesting personalities.

Embrace the propaganda. You must be loyal to the country and love it unconditionally. Criticize those who see potential flaws. Even if America is crap, we must shower the country with praise for its perfection or face ridicule. How can anyone not love this wonderful country?

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