Wednesday, August 29, 2012

American Rights

As an American, I am frequently reminded of the rights that we supposedly have. Unfortunately, being told we have rights is insufficient to win some of us over. We have been lied to and are afraid to question what we have been told.

We have rights. We have the right to live our lives, as long as we live our lives the way that our governments wants us to. We have the right to be ourselves as long as we conform. We have the right to think what we are supposed to think.

The problem here is that our rights all seem to have qualifiers. If we adapt our demands to what our nation offers, we have rights. We don’t have rights if we are different. We have no right to individuality. I should also make the gratuitous comment about how Americans have no right to true education.

This is actually kind of tricky. Our country manipulates us. If we become someone who wants to do what we are allowed to do, then we have the right to do those things. If we are more individualistic, we don’t have rights. Because so many people fall for this country’s shenanigans, we have the illusion of rights that we don’t really have.

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