Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dungeness Crab Shack

If you read my last Playground by the Sound component post, you might have noticed a small building in the background (not the light house). That building is the Dungeness Crab Shack.

Dungeness Crab Shack
In all honesty, I don’t fully understand the appeal of this component. Maybe it provides a bit of a hiding spot. Maybe it provides a view for children of the sandy… sand box. For some reason, they covered the side that looks out to the school-aged area.
Dungeness Crab Shack
I guess it’s best just to view it as a getaway. It’s location likely reduces traffic, and it does have some walls for those who want a few seconds away from everyone else before returning to play.
Dungeness Crab Shack
Dungeness Crab ShackDungeness Crab ShackDungeness Crab Shack

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