Saturday, September 10, 2011

I need to make some enemies.

As I have said before, I honestly believe that I can help make this world a better place. Why don’t I? It’s because society has been conditioned to believe that the world has to work in a certain manner. Anyone who questions how the world works is obviously wrong. Since I refuse to assume that the world has to be this way, I find problems that people don’t want to hear. I am treated as an outcast.

From The Truman Show:
”We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.”

I like this quote because it reflects some of the problems that I have in life. Everybody else simply accepts this world for what it is. I don’t. I want better, but it’s very difficult to push for a better world when nobody wants to think that the world shouldn’t be the way that it already is.

Hatred is an unavoidable consequence whenever anyone openly acknowledges society’s deepest flaws. I don’t feel confortable when people look down on me. This discomfort has led me to go into hiding for most of my life. I need to change. I need to do what’s right, even if what’s right turns me into an outcast.

In order to be the best person that I can be, I need to make some enemies. Like I said, this is an unavoidable consequence for doing the right thing in modern day society. I don’t want people to hate me, and I’m certainly not going to go out of my way to make people hate me. If I ever manage to open up, people aren’t going to want to hear what I have to say. My views may be unwanted, but they are needed.

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