Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation 2011 – Day 2

That night was… different. In the middle of the night, some strong gusts of wind caught our tent. The tent poles did their job and bent without breaking. Sometimes, the bend was a little uncomfortable for those of us sleeping underneath. The tent stakes also did their jobs… except one. The wind hit the rainfly and tore one of the stakes out of the ground. With the problems that the wind was creating, neither one of us could sleep. We hid in the car until the wind died down. Since there was no way that we could sleep in the car, we eventually returned to the tent. Unfortunately, there was still some wind and the sound of the flapping rainfly was becoming unbearable. I headed outside with a flashlight and eventually found the missing stake. Since I didn’t have a hammer, I simply secured the rainfly in the same hole as before. Thanks to the lesser winds, the stake held for the rest of the night. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that I didn’t get much sleep overnight. I’m not feeling too bad right now, but this is a problem that is likely to catch up with me. When I’m writing today’s log entry, don’t be surprised if I don’t make any sense.

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