Friday, May 13, 2011

I need to find a new way to make a living that does not impair my thought process.

As I stated in my list of defining beliefs, mindlessness is my biggest fear. When it comes to surviving in this world, this fear can cause significant problems. My desire to remain mentally active has already convinced me to stay as far away from college as possible. Unfortunately, work can be just as bad. Workers aren’t supposed to form thoughts, they’re supposed to mindlessly do whatever they’re told.

Perhaps my issues with mindlessness has contributed to my current status as a part-time worker. Five hours a day of mindlessness is not as bad as the standard eight. Of course, five hours of mindlessness still makes me uncomfortable. On top of that, I really can’t live my life off of part-time wages. At some point, I am going to have to find something that works. I really need to find a job that allows me to remain mentally active. To be perfectly honest, I have yet to see proof that such a job exists.

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