Monday, May 9, 2011

Thought should not be restricted by words.

Thinking is generally viewed as talking to ourselves with our mouths closed. If that is the extent of our thinking ability, I’m not impressed. I have found over the years that I can take shortcuts. I can also overcome situations where I can’t think of a word that fits what I’m thinking.

How did we first come up with the ability to talk? Could we think before that point in time? I feel that we had to think through the development of language. In order to come up with a word to represent something, we had to think through what sounds we could make and what would be a good enough sound combination to identify things.

At times, I have thought more in concepts than words. When this happens, my thought process is more efficient and less limited. Unfortunately, this is a task that seems to exceed what most people can do these days. This is most likely due to the insistence that we explain our thoughts. That’s not always possible if your thoughts weren’t attached to words in the first place.

I can’t always convert my thoughts into words. I’m not a writer, and I’m not good at explaining things in person. While posting to a blog, this is always a concern. I am confident in what I’m saying, but I’m not confident in how I say things. I would be surprised if the text that I have been writing isn’t full of oversights and gaps in explanations. Hopefully, there are times when I actually make sense.

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