Thursday, September 30, 2021

How the Republicans squandered opportunity

Before I discuss the subject seen in the title of this post, I should probably take a step back. I have had issues before with people seeing something I wrote and coming to false assumptions about who I am. I shouldn't have to say these things, but I see plenty of potential for misguided individuals to confuse issues and misinterpret my views on a squandered opportunity for the Republicans.

I strongly disapprove of partisan conformity. For this reason, I have strong disagreements with both political parties. Because of how oppressive the Democrats have become, I am openly closer to the Republicans, but being closer to the Republicans is very different from being a Republican. The Republicans have recently taken actions that make me very uncomfortable, but this has not moved me any closer to the Democrats. This is because the Democrats have become more extreme and more oppressive.

As much as I hate two-party politics, I can't deny that our country has embraced a two-party political system. When one political party becomes completely unbearable, it can be frustrating to see their opposition seemingly sabotaging themselves. This sabotage is precisely what I wanted to discuss.

Cancel culture has become a serious problem in this country. There are disagreements over what qualifies as cancel culture, but the heart of the concept is complete intolerance of differing viewpoints. Cancel culture is primarily an issue of intolerant liberals.

Democrats have claimed that they believe in tolerance, but they have proven the exact opposite. Some of us already knew better. Cancel culture has made this more obvious that ever before.

Cancel culture gave the Republican party an incredible opportunity. They could use this to establish themselves as the party of tolerance. They could use this as an opportunity to show that they accept people who maintain different viewpoints.

What did the Republicans do? They attacked Republicans who did not fall in line such as Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. As an individual, I have disagreements with everyone. That does not mean that I should reject everyone I disagree with. Unfortunately, it appears that far too many Republicans disagree with me on this point.

Again, I do not believe in political conformity. An honorable party needs to accept that its members can have differences in opinions. Republicans should not have dismissed the views of their own party members just because of disagreements.

The Republicans clearly mishandled this. They should embrace Mitt Romney. They should embrace Liz Cheney. They should embrace the moniker of the party of tolerance. Instead, they acted just like the Democrats. As I have already indicated, we should not be expected to choose between two Democratic parties.

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