Sunday, October 3, 2021

My Idea Outlet: Social Networking+/Openness/Alternative concepts/3rd Party Intermediate

A new page, Openness/Alternative concepts/3rd Party Intermediate, has been added to my Social Networking+ notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

As of right now, there is no way to contribute to a discussion on a social networking website unless you join that website. The inclusive social networking model that I am promoting should be able to address this problem, but I believe that another approach is possible.

I believe that it should be possible for an intermediate third-party platform to allow someone to make comments on websites without requiring membership. This can be done by the platform having accounts on different social networks. Comments could then be provided to the platform with the platform posting the comments to the relevant post.

Some form of identification would need to be embedded in posts. This could help notify individuals of replies, and perhaps open the door for cross-site mentions. For example: @3rdInt [personID] or *3rdInt [post ID]

Such a platform would need to work with each social network individually, since they all have their own structures and APIs. Once that is established, an account with the service would be sufficient to allow members to post to a wide variety of social networks. It might even be able to pull this off without requiring members to join any social network.

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