Monday, August 24, 2020

Biden and unity

"Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump." - Joe Biden

Okay, maybe this isn't a direct quote. Biden's overreliance on fueling and exploiting hatred of his opponent, however, is undeniably real. Trump has easily become Biden's favorite talking point.

Biden and the Democrats haven't stopped at Trump. They don't hesitate to attack anyone who has even shown support for Trump. In the meantime, there's another message the Biden campaign has tried to push, unity. Hate your opponent and his supporters is not a valid way to promote unity.

The truth is that our country is seriously divided right now. Unity is a respectable goal. The problem is that Biden has taken a divisive approach to unity.

This isn't just about his emphasis of hating an opponent. Biden put together a series of unity task forces. What was the purpose of these task forces? To help Biden please more extremist liberals. In other words, Biden's idea for uniting this country has him moving further from the middle.

We need a president that can bring this country closer together. Republicans need to reach out more to Democrats. Democrats need to reach out more to the Republicans. I'm neither, but there's no question that Biden and the Democrats are pushing me away. This is absolutely not what our country needs at this time.

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