Friday, September 6, 2019

Fascism, communism, anarchy, and of course, anti-fascism

I might not be an expert on government types, but I know better than to trust the media's narrative. We are being told that Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is an anarchist movement that fights fascism. This is clearly not true.

What is fascism? It's a militant totalitarian government with some socialist tendencies  that believes in forcing views on others and attacking those who dissent. Technically speaking, national socialism is a different form of government, but it's close and frequently referred to as a form of fascism. For the sake of simplicity, I won't concern myself with differentiation. What is Antifa? A series of militant organizations that believe in forcing views on others and attacking those who dissent. There are a lot of similarities here.

How about the so-called fascists that Antifa has been attacking? There have been several promoting free speech. Most are from conservative groups that believe in small government. While there have been some racist groups, racism is not the same as fascism. As far as I'm aware, nobody who has been attacked by Antifa has legitimately been shown to embrace fascism.

Those who claim to be anti-fascist have turned out to be far more fascist than the fascists they're fighting. That said, there is a better term for them. Communism is a militant and socialist government type that believes that the government should control just about everything. A lot of people view communism as opposite fascism, but most evidence I have seen shows that their core policies and tactics are very similar. Their key difference is in their messaging. Communists say to give them all the power so they can promote equality. Fascists fuel hatred of groups that they promise to eliminate from the country. In this regard, I would definitely say Antifa more closely resembles communists than fascists. This is further backed by some of Antifa's imagery which includes a variant of a communist logo from Germany as well as the hammer and sickle commonly associated with the Soviet Union.

Communism and fascism have a frequently misrepresented relationship. Fascists and Communists typically hate each other. This makes sense since both fight each other for power. Hating each other is not the same as being opposite. To further complicate things, the frequently cited but heavily flawed left-right political spectrum used the hatred as justification to put these government types on opposite sides. This further convinces the public to associate fascism with conservatism, even though fascists have far more in common with liberals.

The biggest piece of evidence that the left-right political spectrum is nonsense can be found by looking at the far left. The left-wing Democrats are firm believers in big government. What is considered to be far left? Anarchy. What is anarchy? It refers to an absence of government. In other words, Americans tend to believe that the extreme version of big government is an absence of government.

This leads me to my biggest annoyance that I wanted to mention. Antifa is a liberal organization. They align with big government types such as communism. They are not anarchists by any stretch of the imagination. Can we please stop the lying?

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