Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Idea Outlet: Social Networking+>Web 3.0>Advanced News Feed

A new page, Web 3.0>Advanced News Feed, has been added to my Social Networking+ notebook for My Idea Outlet. The contents can be found below.

A lot of news sites embrace RSS. Others utilize ATOM. These formats are not commonly used by consumers.

The inclusionary social networking model that I have been promoting could replace existing news feeds. An online article could be posted to a service that you follow. It will be added to a list of articles that might interest you. In some cases, you will be required to use a link to read the article from the source. Some articles will be treated like a social network post, complete with cross-service commenting.

A news aggregator can come in several forms. A strict news reader is possible, but it wouldn't likely be popular. A social news site could be developed, helping you find news content alongside relevant social content. News aggregation could be a part of a core social network, providing news articles, various comments and contents from friends, and now updated together as one single feed for everything you might enjoy.

Beyond variable formats for implementation, these services can use a variety of tools for selecting and prioritizing articles to be posted. Some could provide everything from subscribed feeds as they come in. Others could use algorithms based off your previous activity to guess which articles you would enjoy. Public profiles could also be used in selecting and prioritizing posts.

In the future, I intend to look at additional ideas regarding how news can be portrayed in an inclusive social networking environment. Different types of news could include different types of content. For example, sports news could include scores, standings, and rosters. Political opinion pieces could include fact checking sources and counter arguments. Some news types could be steamlined in an aggregator service. Others could result in specialized websites.

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