Thursday, March 21, 2019

The 2020 strategy

Is it just me, or are all of the Democrats running for the 2020 election extremists? The three candidates that seem to be drawing the most attention, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, are all more extreme than any candidate that I have ever seen win a nomination from either of the major parties. Why is this?

The Democrats keep talking about the importance of beating Trump. Their strategy does not seem to fit that narrative. They are not trying to maximize their votes. Instead, they are risking more moderate voters in order to move further away from the middle.

It appears that the true intent for the Democrats is to utilize hate as a means to push a questionable agenda. They are not trying to make their victory as sure as they can. Instead, they seem to be trying to edge him out. They are embracing the idea that elections come down to the lesser of two evils. Since they view Trump as the ultimate evil, they think that can get away with being very evil themselves, as long as their evil doesn't quite exceed Trump.

I have already criticized the Democrats for embracing hate as part of their agenda. It really does appear that they believe that intense hatred can be used as justification to push an agenda that the public would be completely unwilling to support under normal circumstances. If they can maximize hate, they believe they can maximize extremism.

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