Monday, December 6, 2021

Dividing the races

The long-term goal for race relations should be equality. After decades of making progress towards this goal, we decided to completely reverse everything. Now, we insist that the rules that you must live by are dependent on how you look.

Ever since we took an aggressive stance in creating racial division, race relations have become far worse. Not only is our current approach bad for the long term, but it's been proven problematic in the short term as well. Since this was a liberal idea, we can't admit that this is a disaster. Instead of correcting disastrous racial policies, we feel like we need to push the same concepts even harder.

What kinds of racial rule setting am I writing about? Affirmative action is one example. Various institutions strongly believe in the idea that minorities should play by different rules relating to such things as college admissions.

There are a lot of other examples I can provide. There is a simple way to check if different races are subjected to different rules. All you have to do is swap races. For example, what if you made an effort to shop at white-owned businesses. That would correctly be recognized as racist. Shopping at black-owned businesses, by contrast, is somehow considered honorable.

How about people discussing black pride and insisting that black lives matter. If we swapped races to discuss white pride or the idea that white lives matter, you will be accused of acting racist.

Do you remember both elections of Barack Obama? Many voters openly stated that they were voting for him because he is black. Imagine for a moment if a voter openly voted against him because his opponents were white? That is undeniably racist. Despite the narrative, the same could be said for those who insisted on voting for Obama purely on the basis of race. This came up again when Joe Biden was campaigning. A lot of Democrats demanded that he selected a woman of color as his running mate. Could you imagine the backlash if Donald Trump openly stated that whiteness was an important trait in a running mate? Again, this would have been undeniably racist, much like the demands of the Democrats.

In Oakland, a decision was made to provide a guaranteed income for low-income families. White families would be excluded. Could you imagine if black families were intentionally excluded from such a program?

Everything that I just mentioned was designed for the sake of racial division. It's racist to give preferentially treatment to people just because they are white. Giving preferential treatment to people just because they are black, however, is perfectly acceptable. Why? Because we are allowing racists to define racism.

What do we get out of all of this? Racial division that Democrats can exploit for political benefits. This exploitation is perhaps why the Democrats have tried so hard to fuel racial tensions. To put it another way, the Democrats view unity as a threat to their power.

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