Sunday, July 9, 2017

Right to the Internet

I have heard stories of European countries that supposedly have great Internet service because they view the Internet as a right. I love the Internet, and I certainly see the value, but it is absolutely not a right.

I know that I have been repeating myself a lot lately, but anything forced is not a right. Ensuring everybody has a quality Internet connection pushes everyone to embrace the Internet, even if they don't like it.

Nobody should access the Internet simply because the government told them to. Our acceptance of this tool should ultimately be our choice. While it might be nice to have easily accessible and affordable Internet for everyone, we have no right to force this concept on those who disagree with us.

There is a bit of a quirk to all of this. Technically speaking, Internet as a right does not truly force individuals to embrace the Internet, at least not directly. If you reach a point where everybody is expected to have access, those who decline will be deprived of opportunities. Ultimately, there really wouldn't be much of a choice.

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