Friday, July 21, 2017

Can we deny citizens rocket launchers?

A lot of Americans are in disagreement over what the second amendment means. Some people believe that after fighting British soldiers in the Revolutionary War, we wanted a strong military that can suppress any resistance. Others think that second amendment is geared at protection from everyday criminals. To me, there is no doubt that the founding fathers wanted to ensure that the people could fight back against the government if needed.

The military is essentially the fighting force maintained by the government. If our military can outgun the people, we are not abiding by the intent of the second amendment.

What about military-grade weaponry? Does our government have the legal right to prohibit​ individuals from obtaining rocket-propelled grenades? How about tanks  and fighter jets? If I really want to scare people with these questions, can we prohibit individuals from obtaining nuclear weaponry? Technically speaking, the spirit of the Constitution does not allow for the prohibition​ of any of these things.

I want to make this very clear. I absolutely do not want to have a neighbor who is dealing with nuclear weapons. If fact, pretty much anything that is thought of as military-grade weapons makes me highly uncomfortable.

This country has been around for over two hundred years. The founding fathers had no idea how weapons would evolve. They also had no idea how big, powerful, and expensive our military would become. There is absolutely no way that the American people can successfully take on the military. Simply put, the second amendment could very well be considered obsolete.

Regardless of what you think about the right to bear arms, this is the law. You can't simply ignore a law because you don't personally support it. The only way to legally keep extreme weapons away from​ citizens is to amend the Constitution. Even then, we would need to be careful about what we include in the amendment to address such things as the right to peacefully secede and the right to bear lesser weapons such as butter knives.

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