Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Political correct terms I hate

Political correctness has become a big problem in America. This comes in many forms, but one of the best known has been politically correct phrases. Some of these phrases aren't too bad, but others are just horrible. I thought that I would take the time to look at some of the terms that drive me nuts.

Special Needs

Every person on this planet has special needs. The way this term is generally used tends to indicate that having special needs is necessarily negative. As a result, a lot of people fear acknowledging that they have special needs, even to themselves.

Recreational Use

It used to be drug abuse. Liberals decided that it would be wrong to put a negative connotation to something that is clearly a negative. What better way is there to fight our drug problem than to put a positive spin on the activity?

Undocumented Immigrant

There are multiple definitions of immigrant. One of them relies on legal status. Because of this, immigrant is less accurate than alien. Undocumented provides a problem with ambiguity. What kind of documentation are we lacking? This makes it sound as though the government failed to properly document an individual. The defining characteristic of this group is that they are in violation of federal immigration laws. Illegal is more accurate, although it might not be the ideal term since it identifies the individuals rather than actions as illegal. Unlawful might make more sense.

Reverse Racism

This is generally used by liberals to refer to blacks who are perceived to hate whites. In many ways, they are trying to make it sound like a desperate attempts to shift dialog away from real racism. The problem is that there are numerous legitimate examples of blacks hating whites. We even had a recent mixed-race president who showed hostility toward white people.

The biggest issue with this term is that it implies that blacks hating whites is the opposite of racism. It's not. It's the same concept. It's not reverse racism. It's racism. Leave it to the democrats to come up with a term to try to defend a form racism.

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