Friday, January 27, 2017

We are all minorities

I am a proud member of the pro-education minority. Thanks to all of our pro-schooling propaganda, a lot of people hold that against me.

Perhaps I should shift things around a bit before I go any further. Our country has forced a false narrative on us relating to schooling and education. We are expected to blindly support the schools at the expense of education. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I would rather sacrifice the schools in favor of restoring educational rights.

We have established all sorts of stereotypes. People who do not support the schools tend to look stupid. Even worse, we insist that anyone who does not mindlessly accept the anti-educational narrative must be guilty of taking education for granted.

As a non-conformist, I could always come up with other examples of being part of a minority. Personally,  I would much rather move closer to making my point. Every single individual on this planet can be classified as some form of minority.

When it comes to minorities, there has been a hard push to provide some of them with special treatment to compensate for potential disadvantages. I do not believe that forcing a fixation on our differences is the key to getting along. I am more interested in drawing off of our own experiences.

We have all had people jump to conclusions about us, and we have all had our minority statuses used against us. Why would we want to do that to others?

Discriminating against others due to minority status is clearly wrong. This should be clear to everyone because we all face this to some extent. While some have it worse than others, we all have something to draw off of.

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