Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The boy who cried racism

We have all heard the story about the boy who cried wolf. That is, of course, if you are not a liberal extremist. In recent years, we have seen the same attitude toward racism.

The media and their gullible followers have been aggressive in making accusations of racism. While I am not going to go through every issue personally, I would like to point out that it has been somewhat rare for them to actually provide evidence that race was a factor in any of their stories about race.

Let me provide what has essentially become the prototypical example of racism in America. If a police officer shoots someone in self-defense, and the person shot turns out to be black, then the media reports that the shooting was racist.

The problem that we are seeing is that the accusations are being thrown out so aggressively and so recklessly, that people are growing numb to the issue. People hear the media reporting about racism, and they just assume that the media is doing what the media always does.

What is ultimately happening is that many people don't take the term seriously anymore. It's almost like racism doesn't exist and is simply being made up for ratings.

While race has been exploited for ratings, it's pretty clear that racism not only exists, but the issue is currently getting worse. This is because we have been injecting race into so much that people are fixating more on skin color than they did over eight years ago. Unfortunately, people have developed a tendency to assume that reports of racism are fabrications of the media, even when you have a legitimate instance of racism. It's pretty clear why. The media has no credibility on this issue.

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