Monday, November 7, 2016

If I had to choose

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both horrible candidates. When people try to defend one, they almost always bash the other instead using comments that actually apply to both. It is far easier to define these two clowns by their similarities than their differences. Fortunately, we don't have to pick between the two.

I frequently refer to this as a vote between Kodos and Kang. I will not support one to keep the other out of office. We do have third parties. While this mentality is normally thought of as throwing your vote away, I would never want to be responsible for putting either one in the White House.

What if I had to choose between these two? Which one would I pick? I think if I look hard enough, I might actually be able to find some differences between the two. I am going to try just that.

While many of Donald Trump's comments have made me uncomfortable, I don't think any of them have reached the point of being automatically disqualifiers for me. Of course, my standards might be lower than usual. Hillary Clinton has clearly crossed the line on multiple occasions.

"Free" college is one of these disqualifiers. I am not going to go into too much detail on this issue that I have already discussed numerous times over the years such as a recent post on my education blog. Let's simplify my concerns and say that this policy would further the idea that we have no right to pursue an education free from the confines of a restrictive schooling environment.

Donald Trump has a great slogan. He wants to "make America great again." Personally, I don't embrace slogans as an accurate representation of reality. When Hillary Clinton countered that America is great now, she established that she views our era of mental slavery as an era of greatness. I can't support that. We need a president who sees how bad things have become and is willing to fix our problems. We don't know whether or not Trump qualifies, but Hillary definitely does not.

I think I have made my choice. If I had to pick, I would go with Trump. Although I made my choice, there's another advantage to Trump that I have not yet mentioned.

Both of these candidates would be bad for our country. This might seem counterintuitive, but political incompetence could be considered a selling point. I think I can get away with calling Trump politically incompetent. If we elect Trump, we will essentially be waiting out the next four years until his replacement takes over. If we elect Hillary, she could actually succeed in harming our country.

Again, we don't have to choose. While voting third party could keep you from having a say over which of these candidates would be less catastrophic, that's precisely the mentality that is keeping this corrupt duopoly alive. As far as I'm concerned, a vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is a vote to maintain our two-party system.

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