Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hillary and the FBI

When I read James Comey's findings regarding Hillary's use of a private email server, I was shocked. It seemed to me like he had a compelling argument that she should face charges. He also recommended that no charges would be pursued. One of his biggest arguments against charges was that there was no evidence that she knew she was breaking the law.

I want to provide one sentence from the findings:
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.
In addition to all of this, it has since been established that she lied to congress under oath. Perjury is definitely a crime. That means that after all of this, the email scandal isn't over.

It's pretty clear that there was a partisan component to the investigation, primarily in regards to congressional involvement. I tried to look past partisan reports from both sides of this issue. But I want to remind people reading this of one of my personal traits. I don't like to waste my time writing about what you can find elsewhere. In fact, I have already gone too far down this path. While I was frustrated with the findings, I am going to move away from repeating what many conservatives have already said. Unfortunately, what I still have to say could be viewed as partisan despite my issues with all parties.

What happens if we accept that Hillary is not a criminal? The FBI findings may not have resulted in charges, but they pointed out wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton. Let me clarify that. While the findings cleared Hillary of criminal charges, they certainly did not clear her of any wrongdoing. I have read numerous comments posted online that the FBI cleared Hillary of wrongdoing. That is clearly incorrect.

Perhaps more interesting is how Democrats have used the report to try to make Hillary look good. Let me summarize the findings for you. There is insufficient evidence that Hillary is a criminal, so we should embrace the idea that she is merely incompetent. The findings were not good for Hillary, and it makes no sense that Democrats would keep citing them to help her out. Incompetence should hardly be a selling point for a politician.

In all honesty, I think that what James Comey revealed about Hillary Clinton should have been sufficient to end her candidacy. If the media weren't so corrupt and manipulative, she would have been forced to drop out of the running. Even with the lack of criminal charges, what the FBI has stated should have been an serious blow to Hillary's campaign.

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