Thursday, August 11, 2016

It appears that this is legit

My mother received a survey from the Democratic National Committee. It was so far over the top that I had to do some searching online to find out if it was legitimate. From what I can tell, it is. It appears that they are targeting senior citizens. Right now, I want to call out the Democrats for their sleazy ethics. I have copied the letter and the survey (with sensitive information removed). They can be found below:

In addition, I have copied the text. I want to point out a few things, including why I am absolutely disgusted by the Democrats and their sleazy tactics. I will paste everything below and highlight my comments when they are inserted.

Democratic National Committee 
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz 

Dear XXX,

As Donald Trump and Ted Cruz zero in on the Republican presidential nomination, the Democratic Party urgently needs your help to stop them from capturing the White House. 

XXX, you are one of a select group of local Democratic leaders chosen to participate in this Official 2016 Democratic Elation Survey. Please complete the survey and return it by June 27 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — the sole organization responsible for electing a Democrat to the White House. 

If you can respond sooner, please do — because the DNC needs your input right away to help shape our priorities and move our progressive agenda forward by winning a decisive Democratic Victory in November! 

Your responses will help shape Democratic strategies to defeat the GOP's tireless gridlock, blocking Democratic proposals that bring relief to our nation's struggling middle class ... provide every child with a world-class education and make college more affordable ... close the gender pay gap and achieve equality for women ... allow workers to earn sick days and paid family leave ... reduce gun violence ... enact comprehensive immigration reform and close tax loopholes that let corporations and the one percent avoid paying their fair share at the expense of working families. 

The GOP, led by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, stands in stark contrast to the Democratic Party on all of these critical issues — pushing to restrict women's reproductive rights, repeal the Affordable Care Act and dismantle healthcare reform, gut Social, Security and' Medicare, roll back marriage equality and other hard-won LGBT civil rights advances, and block Chief Judge Merrick Garland — President Obama's Supreme Court nominee — from even getting a hearing.
And if the Republicans win the White House and tighten their stranglehold on Congress, they 
will impose their radical agenda on our nation —and pack the U.S. Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues who will perpetuate these policies for decades. 

Up to this point, this letter consisted of fairly typical spin. I want to point out the use of "radical" and "ideologues" in the last paragraph. This could be viewed as particularly harsh wording meant to sway opinion through tone rather than information. Note that Debbie (or the person who wrote the letter for her) said nothing about what makes the agenda radical and made baseless assumptions regarding Trump's Supreme Court nominees.

Your feedback and support will fuel the DNC's fight to keep a Republican out of the White House.

XXX, the DNC's action plan to win big this year and keep nation moving forward can only succeed if leaders like you step up with your support today. So when you return your survey, please become the newest member of the DNC with a generous donation of $18, $25, $35, or more.

Your insights and financial support will help the DNC implement our strategies, tighten our priorities, respond to partisan attacks and mudslinging, and formulate successful messaging to elect a Democratic president and Congress.

Keep this last paragraph in mind when you look at the survey. Specifically, I want you to look at their criticism of partisan attacks and mudslinging.

The GOP's deep-pocketed millionaire and billionaire backers will spend whatever it takes to buy the 2016 elections — the Koch brothers alone are vowing to spend $889 million. That's why it's more urgent than ever that you stand with us and provide your financial support now to fight back and win!

Your donation will provide the resources the DNC needs to counter this flood of special-interest money and defeat the Republicans by: 
1. Supporting Democratic state parties and candidates — by providing the resources and essential assistance that state parties need to strengthen their grassroots infrastructure and provide Democrats running up and down the ticket with the support they need to win. 
2. Expanding access to the ballot box — through DNC online voter registration and educational tools such as and our Voter Expansion Project that is working to ensure that every eligible voter can register, that every registered voter can vote, and that every vote is accurately counted. 
3. Getting our voters to the polls — by building a national get-out-the-vote operation to get every Democratic voter to the polls on Election Day, ensuring the kind of robust turnout that drove our big Democratic victories in 2008 and 2012. 
4. Building our technological edge over the Republicans — through initiatives such as our groundbreaking Project Ivy, which uses innovative tools to help Democratic state parties, campaigns, and voters most effectively engage in elections. 
5. Informing voters and holding the Republicans accountable — through our rapid-response Factivist operation that shines a spotlight on the appalling records and extreme right-wing ideologies of GOP leaders and candidates.

This is another fairly standard segment of the letter, but I want to point out something. They mention the importance of ensuring that voters vote, and they immediately follow that with the importance of getting Democrats to the polls. If you can read between the lines, they are not interested in the majority of registered voters determining the outcome. Instead, they want to increase the odds of Democrats showing up to vote in comparison to those who would likely vote Republican.

Victory in November depends on action from Democratic leaders like you RIGHT NOW. 

So please complete and return your Official 2016 Democratic Election Survey today. And please accept my invitation to become an official member of the Democratic National Committee by including a membership gift of $18, $25, $35, or more. 

Thank you for standing up to fight for our Democratic values and our nation's future! 
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz 
DNC Chair

I can't believe she was willing to put her name on this. The letter has a few problems, but the associated survey is horrible and highly unethical. There is some good news here. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned after this survey was sent out.

Please be sure to return your completed survey and generous donation no later than June 27. And if you can reply sooner, please do — because the DNC needs your help NOW to counter the GOP's piles of special-interest money, mudslinging. and dirty tricks. Thank you for taking action today to defeat the GOP, take back control of Congress, and lay the groundwork to advance our progressive Democratic agenda after the election!

They shifted their wording a little. Instead of partisan attacks and mudslinging, they are now mentioning mudslinging and dirty tricks. This is conveniently embedded in an unethical mailing with partisan attacks and mudslinging. This clearly qualifies as a dirty trick. By the way, the Democrats also receive "piles of special-interest money."

1. Portions of this survey contain computer-generated information including your name and address. Please review this information carefully, and note any corrections or changes in the margins near each entry. 
2. Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge or ability. To ensure statistical accuracy, please do not skip any questions in the survey. 
3. To assist in the tabulation of your survey, please print all of your responses in black or blue ink if possible. 
4. Be sure to complete your DNC contribution form. 
5. Please return your completed survey, along with your contribution, in the envelope provided. 

Is the following personal information correct? 
NO (please provide correct information in the margins) 
1. Name: 
2. Address: 
3. City:  State: Zip:
4. Gender: 
5. Telephone No.: 
6. Email Address: 

Look at the title of this section. The Democrats aren't interested in what the person taking the survey thinks of the Republicans. They are hoping that calling them a threat will cause fear. In other words, this survey is immediately established as a tool to alter opinions rather than ask for them.

1) Which elements of the radical Republican agenda are most dangerous to America's future? (please 
choose up to three) 
• Dismantling the Affordable Care Act 
• Restricting women's reproductive rights 
• Reversing marriage equality and other LGBT civil rights 
• Gutting Social Security and Medicare 
• Packing the U.S. Supreme Court with far-right ideologues 
• Opposing a minimum wage increase 
• Obstructing, comprehensive immigration reform 
• Denying the existence of climate change 
• Refusing to handle international affairs diplomatically
Again, look at the language being used. The Democrats treat the idea that Republicans are radical and dangerous as fact and then follow with a request for opinion. They tried to back their opinions with spin in hopes that gullible voters will accept as fact that the Republicans as radical and dangerous.

2) Which aspect of Donald Trump's and Ted Cruz's candidacies do you find most disturbing? (please 
choose one) 
• Their uncivilized campaign rhetoric 
• Their reckless foreign policy proposals 
• Their promise to block comprehensive immigration reform 
• Their all-out attack on women's reproductive freedom 
• Their inability to work across the aisle for commonsense solutions 
• Their belief that LGBT people are second-class citizens 
• Their pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act 
• Their vow to appoint only the most conservative justices to the Supreme Court 
• Other
The Democrats are treating the idea that Republicans are disturbing candidacies as fact. They also add harsh tones such as uncivilized and reckless in front of the opinions they are asking for as though uncivilized and reckless are definitive components of the campaigns.

I also want to point out their hypocrisy when they mention working across the aisle. Have they not paid attention over the last eight years? Barrack Obama ridicules the Republicans even when they give him exactly what he wants. Do people not remember the averted government shutdown that Obama used against the Republicans? Obama could very well be the most divisive president we have ever had. The simple fact is that the Democrats have gotten more of what they want in recent years, and the Democrats have no right to complain.
3) Which of the following election outcomes would be most catastrophic for our nation? (please choose one)
• A Republican winning the White House
• The GOP tightening its stranglehold on Congress
• Increased Republican control of state and local governments
There's that harsh language again. They could have asked which, if any, of the items the survey taker opposes most. Instead, they are treating liberal opinion of the Republican party as though it is definitive.
4) Which group of GOP backers do you think will have the biggest impact on the 2016 elections? (please choose one) 
• Right-wing billionaires, such as the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson 
• Ruthless political operatives, such as Karl Rove 
• Extreme-far-right organizations, such as the Tea Party Nation and the Club for Growth 
• Conservative media outlets
This is not as bad as some of their other questions. These options could easily be swapped for corrupt ties within the Democrats if you wanted neutrality in a survey. They also have big and corrupt financial backers, and the liberal media is far stronger than the conservative media. Overall, this could be viewed as typical political spin, although ruthless is still a harsh opinion stated as though it is fact.
5) How do you view the Republican refusal to even consider confirming Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court? 
• It is an outrageous attempt to undermine the President's powers under the U.S. Constitution 
• It is a cynical procedural maneuver, but not very important to our nation 
• It is an acceptable election-year political strategy 
• Not sure
They had to throw in one specific example of the Republicans blocking the Democrats. This might be their best question against the Republicans because they at least allow acceptance of the opposing view. Even so, they should have left out "outrageous" and "cynical."
This section is not nearly as bad. They primarily focus on typical spin to defend their agenda. They still take a few cheap shots at the Republicans. I'm not going to comment on every question asked, but I will point out when the arguments on the Democrats' side of this survey still fixate on spewing hate.
1) Please rank these Democratic priorities in order of importance. (1 = most important) 
• Passing comprehensive immigration reform 
• Closing the gender pay gap and providing access to healthcare for women 
• Protecting Social Security, Medicare, and other programs seniors count on 
• Enacting sensible laws to combat gun violence 
• Raising the minimum wage 
• Leveling the playing field for middle-class families 
• Protecting the environment 
• Reforming our criminal justice system 
• Providing every American with access to a world-class education 
• Expanding voting rights 
• Keeping our country safe 
• Maintaining our nation's international relationships 
• Other 

Survey Continues 

2) Which of the below Democratic actions to level the playing field for middle-class families do you support? 
• Closing tax loopholes for corporations
• Ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes 
• Ensure access to basic retirement security and affordable education and healthcare 
• Breaking up the banks 
• Not important
• Not sure 
3) Which of the following is the most important Democratic goal in the 2016 elections?
• Keeping a Democrat in the White House
• Winning back control of Congress
• Electing more Democrats to state and local governments
• Defeating Republican voter-suppression schemes
• All of the above are equally important
I don't want to get into the Democrats' spin of voter suppression right now, but this is clearly anti-Republican spin embedded in a question that is supposed to be about the Democrats.
4) Please rank the following elements of the DNC's 2016 Election Action Plan in order of importance. (1=most important)
• Supporting our state parties and our candidates 
• Protecting the right to vote and expanding access to the ballot box 
• Building our technological edge over the Republicans 
• Getting Democratic voters the polls 
• Holding GOP leaders and candidates accountable for their extreme words and actions
Again, the Democrats attack the Republicans in a question that is supposed to be about the Democrats. Additionally, "extreme words and actions" is a matter of opinion. Like usual, they state it as fact. Quite frankly, an argument could certainly be made that the Democrats are using extreme words in this survey. Maybe the GOP needs to hold them accountable.
5) Which Of the following ways do you plan to help the Democratic Party win in 2016? (please check all that apply) 
• Volunteer 
• Canvass 
• Phone bank 
• Register voters 
• Monitor polls 
• Display a yard sign or bumper sticker 
• Host a fundraiser 
• Participate in policy surveys 
• Make financial contributions 
• Other 
Please briefly share any additional thoughts or suggestions for winning a decisive Democratic victory in November. 
Thank you for participating in this survey!
Look at that. The Democrats managed to include a section about their party that isn't intended to fuel hatred of the Republicans.

Please make your leadership role within our Party official by becoming a member of the Democratic National Committee. Your membership contribution will provide Democrats with the resources to counter Republican efforts to obstruct President Obama's agenda and stop Donald Trump and the GOP from taking back the White House. 
$18 $25 $35 $50 $my best gift 
*A contribution of this amount or more will be especially helpful to our efforts. 
Go to to put your gift to work immediately. 
• To help offset the cost of tabulating and reporting my survey, I am including a processing fee of $3.00.
Once more, the Democrats have conveniently slammed the Republicans with an opinion stated as fact within a section of the survey that shouldn't have anything to do with the Republicans.

• Check payable to the Democratic National Committee enclosed. 
• I prefer to charge my gift to: 
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover 
Amount: $ Exp. Date: 
Card # 
• YES! Please make this a monthly gift. As a Grassroots Partner, your support provides critical funding in the fight for our values. 

Current Address: 
Telephone No: Home: Office: Mobile:
Current Occupation: 
Email Address: 

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Corporate and labor union contributions are prohibited. The Democratic National Committee does not accept contributions from registered foreign agents or minors under the age of 16. 

By providing your phone number (home or mobile), you are consenting to receive calls, including automated calls, to that number from the DNC.
I wonder how many people read this fine print. I have a suggestion for anyone who fills out this form. Do not provide them with a phone number.

Federal law prohibits foreign nationals, except lawfully admitted permanent residents of the U.S., from contributing to DNC. Contributions must be made from the donor's personal funds. By signing below, I certify that I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident of the U.S. and that the funds I am donating are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution. 


Democratic National Committee • 430 South Capitol Street, SE • Washington, DC 20003 • 1-877-336-7200 •

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. 

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate of candidate's committee.

Contributions to the DNC will be spent for DNC activities and programs as the DNC determines within its sole discretion and will not be earmarked for a particular candidate. 

Some final thoughts:

The reason this survey got to me is because it's clearly an attempt to unethically manipulate vulnerable voters. The few people I have found online who have mentioned this survey have also brought up senior citizens. In at least one case, someone opened the mail for someone with Alzheimer's.

The use harsh anti-Republican dialog stated as fact in an obvious attempt to force their opinions. They try to follow the rhetoric by asking for specific opinions related to their propaganda. This can confuse some people since they feel that they are giving their opinions rather than being force-fed opinions.

It's pretty clear that this survey is not asking for opinions. It's trying to provide opinions. They target senior citizens because they feel they are more vulnerable to such corrupt tactics. For me, this makes it more difficult to show any support or sympathy for the Democratic party.

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